Lab Members, *Senior Author
Lab Members, *Senior Author
- Weeks, B.C., C. Harvey, C. Sheard, J.A. Tobias, Z. Zhou, and D.F. Fouhey. Submitted. Longer wing bones in warmer climates suggest a role of thermoregulation in bird wing evolution.
- Pegan, T.M., A.A. Kimmitt, B.W. Benz, B.C. Weeks, Y. Aubry, T.M. Burg, J. Hudon, A.W. Jones, J.J. Kirchman, K. Ruegg, and B.M. Winger. In review. Population genetic consequences of the seasonal migration of birds.
- Adams, N., T. Dias, H.R. Skeen, T.M. Pegan, D.E. Willard, B.M. Winger, K.C. Ruegg, B.C. Weeks, and R.A. Bay. Submitted. Genetic and morphological shifts associated with climate change in a migratory bird.
- DuBay, S., B.C. Weeks, P.E. Davis-Kean, C. Fuldner, N.C. Harris, S. Hughes, B. O'Brien, M. Perkins, and C. Weyant. In revision. Measuring historical pollution: natural history collections as tools for public health and environmental justice research.
- Smith, I.M., M.C. Klemz, C.M. Probst, S. Yanco, M.M. Most, M. Ziebell, M. Zimova, J. Foufopoulos, and B.C. Weeks*. In review. In situ warming has a positive effect on fledgling growth in American robins (Turdus migratorius).
- Gyllenhaal, E.F., L.B. Klicka, L.H. DeCicco, B.C. Weeks, R.G. Moyle, and M.J. Andersen. In revision. Phylogeographic inference is biased by island-mediated gene flow.
- Yanco, S., C. Rutz, B. Abrahms, N.W. Cooper, P.P. Marra, T. Mueller, B.C. Weeks, M. Wikelski, and R.Y. Oliver. In revision. Tracking individual animals can reveal the drivers of species loss.
- Ma, D., B.S. Halpern, B. Abrahms, J. Allgeier, J. García Molinos, C.M. Free, M. Frazier, K. Kaschner, B.C. Weeks, and N. Carter. In review. Strategic planning could reduce global mariculture impacts on marine biodiversity while expanding seafood production.
- Dias, T., N. Lemoine, S. Yanco, M. Zimova, R. Bay, and B.C. Weeks*. In review. Long-term increases in wing length occur independently of changes in climate and climate-driven shifts in body size.
- Claramunt, S., C. Sheard, J.W. Brown, G. Cortés-Ramírez, M. Su, J.A. Tobias, B.C. Weeks, and J. Cracraft. Submitted. A new time-tree of birds reveals the interplay between speciation rates, geographic range size, and dispersal.
- Beltran, R., A.M. Kilpatrick, S. Adamczak, L. Beumer, M. Czapanskiy, S. Davidson, B. McLean, T. Mueller, A. Payne, C. Soria, B.C. Weeks, T. Williams, and R. Salguero-Gomez. In press. Integrating animal tracking and trait data to facilitate global ecological discoveries. Journal of Experimenal Biology.
- Ma, D., B. Abrahms, J.E. Allgeier, T. Newbold, B.C. Weeks, and N. Carter. 2024. Global expansion of human-wildlife overlap in the 21st century. Science Advances 10: eadp7706.
- Zimova, M., B.C. Weeks*, S. Giery, D.E. Willard, and B.M. Winger*. 2023. Body size determines the rate of contemporary morphological change in birds. PNAS. 120(20): e2206971120.
- Weeks, B.C., Z. Zhou, B.K. O’Brien, R. Darling, M. Dean, T. Dias, G. Hassena, M. Zhang, and D. Fouhey. 2023. A deep neural network for high throughput measurement of functional traits on museum skeletal specimens. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 14(2): 347-359.
- Weeks, B.C., M. Klemz, H. Wada, R. Darling, T. Dias, B.K. O’Brien, M. Zhang, and M. Zimova. 2022. Temperature, size, and developmental plasticity in birds. Biology Letters .18(12): 20220357..
- Weeks, B.C., B.K. O’Brien, C.A. Sheard, S. Claramunt, J.J. Chu, and J.A. Tobias. 2022. Morphological adaptations linked to flight efficiency and aerial lifestyle determine natal dispersal distance in birds. Functional Ecology. 36(7): 1681-1689.
- Weeks, B.C., S. Naeem, J.R. Lasky, and J.A. Tobias. 2022. An inverse relationship between diversity and extinction risk at a global scale. Ecology Letters. 25(3): 697-707.
- Covered in 13 new outlets, including Science.
- Tobias, J.A…B.C. Weeks…et al. 2022. Avonet: Functional traits for the world’s birds. Ecology Letters. 25(3): 581-597.
- Allgeier, J.E., B.C. Weeks, K.S. Munsterman, N. Wale, S.J. Wenger, V. Parravicini, N.M.D. Schiettekatte, S. Villéger, D.E. Burkepile. 2021. Phylogenetic conservatism drives nutrient dynamics of coral reef fishes. Nature Communications 12: 5432.
- Zimova, M., D.E. Willard, B.M. Winger*, and B.C. Weeks*. 2021. Widespread shifts in bird migration phenology are decoupled from parallel shifts in morphology. Journal of Animal Ecology. 90(10): 2348-2361.
- Zhou, Z., G. Mohammed, B.C. Weeks, D. Fouhey. 2021. Quantifying bird skeletons. CV4Animals: Computer Vision for Animal Behavior Tracking and Modeling at Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2021.
- Cowles, S.A., B.C. Weeks, L. Perrin, N. Chen, and J.A.C. Uy. 2021. Small estimated population sizes of the two Kolombangara White-eye Zosterops species suggest need for stringent conservation efforts. Emu – Austral Ornithology. 121(1-2): 45-54.
- Anujan, K., S.A. Heilpern, C.M. Prager, B.C. Weeks, S. Naeem. 2021. Trophic complexity alters the diversity-multifunctionality relationship in experimental grassland mesocosms. Ecology and Evolution. 11(11): 6471-6479.
- Weeks, B.C., S. Naeem, B.M. Winger, and J. Cracraft. 2020. The relationship between morphology and behavior in mixed-species flocks of island birds. Ecology and Evolution. 10(19): 10593-10606.
- Oliver, R.Y., P.J. Mahoney, E. Gurarie, N. Krikun, B.C. Weeks, M. Hebblewhite, G. Liston, and N. Boelman. 2020. Dynamic responses to the local environment are a mechanism for shifting migratory phenology. Environmental Research Letters. 15(4): 045003.
- Weeks, B.C., D. Willard, M. Zimova*, M. Hennen, M. Witynski, A. Ellis, S. Florida, and B.M. Winger. 2020. Shared morphological consequences of global warming in North American migratory birds. Ecology Letters. 23(2): 316-325.
- RECOGNITION: Awarded the Ecological Society of America’s 2022 George Mercer Award for an outstanding paper written by a young ecologist.
- PRESS: Covered in 156 news outlets, including Science, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, BBC News, Le Monde, El País, and additional outlets from over 10 countries. Higher altmetric score (1,571) than 99.98% of the 20 million papers ever tracked by altmetric (as of April 2022). Also interviewed about this work on nationally syndicated radio shows in Canada and the US and for a Vox YouTube video viewed over 710,000 times.
- Pigot, A.L., C. Sheard, E.T. Miller, T.P. Bregman, B.G. Freeman, U. Roll, N. Seddon, D. Swindlehurst, B.C. Weeks, and J.A. Tobias. 2020. Macroevolutionary convergence connects morphological form to ecological function in birds. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 4: 230-239.
- ISI Highly Cited paper (Jan-Dec. 2021).
- Winger, B.M., B.C. Weeks, A. Jones, and D. Willard. 2019. Light and flight calls interact to determine building collision frequency in migratory birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286(1900): 20190364.
- Winger, B.M., G. Auteri, T.M. Pegan, and B.C. Weeks. 2019. A long winter for the red queen: rethinking the evolution of seasonal migration. Biological Reviews.
- RECOGNITION: Katma Award, American Ornithological Society
- Heilpern, S., B.C. Weeks, and S. Naeem. 2018. Predicting ecosystem vulnerability to biodiversity loss from community composition. Ecology. 99(5): 1099-1107.
- Weeks, B.C., J. Diamond, P. Sweet, C. Smith, G. Scoville, and C.E. Filardi. 2017. New behavioral, ecological, and biogeographic data on the montane avifauna of Kolombangara, Solomon Islands. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 129(4): 676-700.
- Lasky, J., T.H. Keitt, B.C. Weeks, and E.P. Economo. 2017. A hierarchical model of whole assemblage island biogeography. Ecography. 40(8): 982-990.
- Weeks, B.C., N. Gregory, and S. Naeem. 2016. Bird assemblage vulnerability depends on the diversity and biogeographic histories of islands. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 113(36): 10109-10114.
- Naeem, S., C. Prager, B.C. Weeks, A. Varga, D. Flynn, K. Griffin, R. Muscarella, S. Wood, and W. Schuster. 2016. Biodiversity as a multidimensional construct: a review, framework, and case study of herbivory’s impact on plant biodiversity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 283: 20153005.
- Weeks, B.C., S. Claramunt, and J. Cracraft. 2016. Integrating systematics and biogeography to disentangle the roles of history and ecology in biotic assembly. Journal of Biogeography. 43(8): 1546-1559.
- Weeks, B.C. and S. Claramunt. 2014. Dispersal has inhibited avian diversification in Australasian archipelagoes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 281: 20141257.
- Weeks, B.C. and C.E. Filardi. 2011. Community is key to REDD success. Nature 474: 450.
- Alexander, C., N. Bynum, L. Johnson, U. King, T. Mustonen, P. Neofotis, N. Oettlé, C. Rosenzweig, C. Sakakibara, M. Vicarelli, J. Waterhouse, and B.C. Weeks. 2011. Linking indigenous and scientific knowledge of climate change. BioScience 61(6): 477-484.
- Weeks, B.C., S.P. Hamburg, and M.A. Vadeboncoeur. 2009. Ice storm effects on the canopy structure of a northern hardwood forest after 8 years. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39(8): 1475-1483.
- Bynum, N., E.J. Sterling, B.C. Weeks, A. Gomez, K. Roosenburg, E. Vintinner, F. Arengo, M. Domroese, and R. Pearson. 2009. Emerging topics in the study of life on earth: systems approaches to biological and cultural diversity. Science Education and Civic Engagement: An International Journal 2(1): 38-55.